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Get to Know the Day of Hope 2024 Ambassador

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On April 1, 2020, Day of Hope Ambassador, Meghan Wells, was diagnosed with breast cancer. At the time, she went from treating people as an ER Nurse at Marian Regional Medical Center to receiving treatment at Mission Hope Cancer Center in Arroyo Grande.  Because Meghan was diagnosed at a young age, the question of whether she'd be able to have children was always in the back of her mind.  Mission Hope was able to explain possible treatments
and their effects on fertility, and gave Meghan and her husband options, so that having a family might still be possible. The excellent care she received as a patient
inspired her professionally, and she now works as an Infusion Nurse at Mission
Hope Arroyo Grande. This 
April – nearly four years to the date of her diagnosis - Meghan gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Lana!